O Thessalonikios

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Many know Xanthi only from its carnival, which is the second most popular in Greece after that of Patra, but the "Lady of Thrace" has much more to offer. Picturesque alleys in the old town, unique natural images from Nestos and delicious gastronomic moments that will remain unforgettable.

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"Trikala is the city that no one could have imagined existed." These are not my words, but those of the British Guardian, who came, saw, was impressed and wrote. So who am I to disagree? Trikala is a smart city, which respects its inhabitants, as it is full of sidewalks, bike paths and squares. It combines tradition with modernism and offers natural landscapes of unique beauty!

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Lefkada is frequently called "the island you always return to", as anyone who visits it falls in love with it and makes a bet with himself that he will come back. A place that combines everything to a superlative degree. From exotic beaches, natural beauty and cosmopolitan villages, to water sports and intense nightlife. The most important thing is that you do not need a boat to reach the island (!), which makes Lefkada easily accessible and attractive all year round.

3 Reviews

pantelis thessalonikios 1

I am Pantelis or as the title of the blog testifies "O Thessalonikios". If you also have a passion for travel, then you are in the right place. My goal is to be able to see the 237 countries of our planet and my purpose to give you information that I gained from my travels. 

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