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Thank you for your interest in advertising on “O Thesalonikios”. That means you found my job attractive, and you have the will to cooperate. Your advertising here is a wise choice, as the site has many visitors from all over the world, from people who love travel.

If you have a product or service that fits in with my Blog type, I would be very happy to work with you.

Contact me here

Types Of Cooperation

  1. Banner Advertising: There is an option to place a banner ad firmly in a prominent place on the homepage of the site.
  2. Sponsored- Review Post: There is an option to create a special article with content that aims to communicate your brand in the best possible way.
  3. Social Media Posts: There is a choice of promotional posts on social media of the site, which can contain text, pictures, links, video (Facebook-Instagram–Twitter-Pinterst).
  4. Giveaways: There is a choice of products and services to tender, as long as they are consistent with the travel nature of the site.

Attention: in order to write my opinion in an article or to perform a competition for your product or service, I must have my own opinion, so that the outcome is optimal for both sides.

Worked with me

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iliomagic endlesh blue iliorama anemoessa

pantelis thessalonikios 1

I am Pantelis or as the title of the blog testifies "O Thessalonikios". If you also have a passion for travel, then you are in the right place. My goal is to be able to see the 237 countries of our planet and my purpose to give you information that I gained from my travels. 

travel vibe
