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My name is Pantelis or as you can see in the title of the blog "O Thessalonikios".

Obviously my nickname is not accidental, since it comes from the city where I was born, grew up and still live, Thessaloniki. For the last seven years, I've been practicing the profession of Economist-Accountant, which is also the subject I studied on.

For me moto "live to work and work to live" does not correspond to reality, since I work to live and live to travel. As a proper traveler I speak five languages: Greek, English, Italian, German, and recently started Chinese (!).

My favorite trips (so far) are exploring Iceland, the pleasant surprise of Morocco and touring the Scottish Highlands, and my big goal is to see all 237 countries on our planet!

Find me on social media here: Facebook, Instagram


Read my interview to Parallaxi here

Read my interview to It's Possible here

Read my interview to Travel Nikos here

Read my interview to Beezdom here

Read my interview to Trips and Dreams by Mary here

Read how I spent my quarantine days at T-Stories here

Read an unforgettable travel story on greekwanderlust here

Read the reference of my blog on Evitatravelstheworld here

Read the reference of my blog on GeoGRAFIKOI here

Read the reference of my blog on Picturo here

Listen to how I spent my quarantine days on the Trip Flakes Podcast (22:40 - 32:23) here

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travel vibe  huffpost 960x960    visit greece 960x960  savoir ville

pantelis thessalonikios 1

I am Pantelis or as the title of the blog testifies "O Thessalonikios". If you also have a passion for travel, then you are in the right place. My goal is to be able to see the 237 countries of our planet and my purpose to give you information that I gained from my travels. 

travel vibe
