O Thessalonikios

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There is not only one reason to visit Zurich. The nickname the “city with thousand faces” is not at all accidental, since it can be the economic and commercial center of the country, but at the same time it has supreme art and culture spaces, hosts various festivals and offers many entertainment options.

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 Only if you visit Switzerland, can you understand what organization means. Everything runs smoothly and perfectly organized, offering perhaps the highest quality of life in the world. It is unbelievable that as a nation it is trilingual, as a result of which its inhabitants speak several languages, depending on which country borders each canton. Italian, German, French are mixed giving special sounds to the guests of the country. One city that can boast of being international is, of course, Basel. Between Switzerland, France and Germany, it is a crossroads of culture, featuring incredible natural beauty, medieval buildings, paved streets, many art spots and a liveliness against the strict pattern of Central Europe.

3 Reviews

pantelis thessalonikios 1

I am Pantelis or as the title of the blog testifies "O Thessalonikios". If you also have a passion for travel, then you are in the right place. My goal is to be able to see the 237 countries of our planet and my purpose to give you information that I gained from my travels. 

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